Happy Monday!

I can't believe we are down to just over 6 weeks out. It's really starting to make me anxious. I'm sitting here enjoying the morning (without coffee). The front door is open, windows are open, the kitties are snuggled up with me, and I've got Maroon 5 radio playing. It's definitely going to be a wonderful day! I'm sorry about my last post on friday.. It was a little bit of a downer. I do appreciate all of the texts and phone calls, though. I am good. A little stressed, but good.

I miss carbs, and avocados. I also miss feeling good 90% of the time. It's close to 60% now. I'm learning to make the most of every day and just to be happy in the moment. I have a new respect and love for all of the families that have had fertility problems. I never knew all of the effort that went into figuring things out. The female body and hormonal system is so complex.

We had such a great weekend with wonderful friends! I am going to miss them so much! I know we will make new friends, but finding such genuine and happy people is hard to come by. We have been narrowing down the list of houses/apartments to have my mom look at. Justin has his out-processing checklist going and it's getting done so smoothly so far (knock on wood). I'm starting to stress about the housing stuff.. Has anyone dealt with housing and carpet? I can't turn in our 30 day notice until I schedule TMO... but that hasn't been scheduled yet. We have 44 days. Holy Moly. Well, we have 44 days until J's terminal leave begins. We don't have too be out of the house until his official separation date (22 November). So, I guess we could just live here until then. HAHA!

I'm super excited to live by the ocean and my bestest bud and my mini. I'm also excited for cooler weather (hopefully) and hopefully less bugs (mostly gnats). I'm just excited for our next adventure.

Until next time....

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