So much to do still...

We have our household goods and I honestly didn't see how much stuff we really have. Even though there are still boxes everywhere, things are coming together and I can't wait to see how it all looks when it's done. I'm hoping it will take less time to hang pictures on the wall than it did at the Travis house. All I know is that this is going to be our best home yet! And hopefully, the last one before we buy/build our own home.

We are so happy to be by family and enjoy the beach like we haven't before. We have our annual passes to Disneyland and we are only 20 minutes from the beach! This is such a dream for us, some days I just don't want to sleep!

We have had our first house guest as well... Sorry, Ken, for all the boxes. I hope you had fun. Hopefully the next time, we will have finished unpacking, and have pictures on the wall. And maybe, even actual dishes to eat on.

I will have pictures of the house up sometime soon. We have decided not to go with a theme, and more of a color palate. I love blues and greens, so those will be the focus and have other accents around the house to keep it cool and serene.

I'm thinking we may need to win the lottery with all of the things I want to do with this house. Yikes!!

On another note, have you gotten your presenters kit yet?? The anniversary kit is only available for a short time and I am looking for people on the other side of the pond to join my team too... Join here or just shop away!!

Until next time....

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