Finding Peace

Today I will be spending the morning at Disneyland with the kids and Jenn (my boss). It will be so fun! Things like this make me so excited to have my own little family and take them to Disneyland like my mom did with me. (Just so I'm clear, there is no baby C on the way yet). Not too much has gone on in the last week. I had a nail date with my new friend and I'm taking some shorter days at work while Jenn is on break. I've also given notice that I will be going back to school in the fall so I won't be the nanny anymore :O It's a crazy and scary thought.

I'm working on finding peace in my life. Not just peace, but just being at peace. I want to be happy and live in the moment. Not worry about everything, not stress so much. It is a great feeling to not stress. I had a great time last weekend, not thinking about everything that needed to be done. It's freeing. Hopefully I will be able to continue relaxing... easier said than done.

This weekend will be about cleaning and getting organized. I finally finished cleaning and organizing the kitchen and the family room and loft will be next. So, if you have any tips or tricks, please pass them my way! I'm trying to decide if I want to sell my kitchen table and hutch to make more space, since they don't fit in this house. We have super high ceilings (like 25+ ft) so my sweet little hutch looks so small (it's barely under 6ft) and the table is a counter height, so it sits higher than the base of my hutch but is still small for the room. It all looks so funny.

I'm planning a trip up to Sacramento to visit my brother and eat at our fave restaurants in the next few weeks! I'm so excited, it should be fun and maybe I will finally fee like we live in OC. I'm not sure if my mom is coming with me or J, but either way, it's happening.

I've started going back to the gym, and it fealt so good. I've missed that sore feeling after a good workout. I am thinking about starting a couch to 5k program just to get back into running, but I'm not sure if I really want to get back into running. I definitely want to keep lifting though. I want some sexy arms and a toned back and belly. Or a cute baby bump, haha!

Well, I need to get up and moving to make it to Disney with the kids... Until Next Time....

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