It's Monday again...

Good morning and happy Monday! I'm so sad the weekend is over again, it always go by so quickly. It's never long enough. So, I'm sitting in bed, sipping my coffee, watching/listening to the tv, and contemplating all that I need to get done this week. How do you start your Mondays?

This past week was a long one, but it was so good. Work was great, the kids were happy, and it was a beautiful week. I had a coffee date with a new friend on Friday. It was exactly what I needed. I got some cleaning done around the house and enjoyed a quiet evening at home with the hubs. Saturday was date day, and we had an amazing dinner at Gabby's in Orange and walked around the super quaint little area for a bit. Sunday was also a great day, with only relaxation at home. Excited to get back to the babies, but sad to get out of bed.

It's so difficult when moving to a new place where you don't know anyone. I know that as a military family, that is so frequent for us and we just kind of jump in when we get to the next duty station. This is different, at least for me. I am so grateful that I have an amazing husband who truly understands and wants to help me make a smooth transition, and that I have my mom so close. It was so nice to have someone to go to coffee with, and we are going to get nails done this week! I finally feel like we are settling in.

Over the next couple weeks, I will be finishing unpacking the boxes and taking tubs to storage. I will also be reorganizing the kitchen and hopefully I will finish decorating our bathroom. I need to get a few things, so I'm thinking a trip to Ikea, world market, target, and some cute antique stores will be in order... I'm also thinking I need to replace my kitchen table, as the one I currently have (and love) is too big for the space we have.

I found a new show to watch.. The Last Ship! So good! McSteamy is the lead, and the other guys aren't hard to watch either ;) It has a surprisingly good story line and it's on Hulu so I can watch anytime. Are there any other shows I should be watching?

Time for me to get ready for work... Until Next Time <3 p="">

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